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Canadian ten vertical dollar

Canadian 10 dollar vertical polymer note

Quick links to banknotes
Polymer Frontier series
Five Canadian dollar polymer banknote Ten Canadian dollar polymer banknote Twenty Canadian dollar polymer banknote Fifty Canadian dollar polymer banknote One hundred Canadian dollar polymer banknote

Canadian journey series
Five Canadian dollar banknote Ten Canadian dollar banknote Twenty Canadian dollar banknote Fifty Canadian dollar banknote One hundred Canadian dollar banknote

Size: 69.85x 152.4mm
Paper type: Polymer
Main colour: Purple

10 canadian dollar polymer vertical note obverse 10 canadian dollar vertical note reverse

Canadian 10 dollar polymer verical note design features

  • Portrait: Viola Desmond, 1914-1965
  • Building: The Library of Parliament
  • Signatures: Left – Carolyn A. Wilkins, Right – Stephen S. Poloz
  • Issue date: November 2018
  • Theme: Canadian Museum for Human Rights

The new polymer Canadian 10 dollar note is the first vertical banknote of the Canadian dollar. Bank of Canada will use vertical design for the next four notes in the series The note is predominantly purple coloured and is printed on polymer. The banknote was designed by Dowling Duncan firm. It entered in circulation in 19 November, 2018.

The obverse features a portrait of Viola Desmond, a Black Nova Scotian businesswoman and civil rights advocate who challenged racial segregation at a film theatre in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, in 1946. It is the first time a Canadian woman has appeared on a Canadian banknote. The background of the portrait is a colourful rendition of the street grid of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The reverse features the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A quotation from section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms appears in both English and French. The foil window at the base of the note includes an iridescent rendering of the Library of Parliament's vaulted dome ceiling, which can be seen from both sides of the note.

Canadian vertical ten dollar note security features

Raised print

10 canadian dollar note Raised print

By running your finger across the new 10 canadian dollar note you can feel raised print in areas such as portrait, the word “Canada” and the large number at the bottom.

Colour-shifting Eagle Feather

ten canadian dollar note Colour-shifting Eagle Feather-1 ten canadian dollar note Colour-shifting Eagle Feather-2 ten canadian dollar note Colour-shifting Eagle Feather-3

Look at the pattern in the eagle feather. Tilt the note to see the pattern move up and down, and the colour shift from gold to green.

3-D Maple Leaf

ten canadian dollar note 3-D Maple Leaf

Look at the maple leaf. It is clear and feels slightly raised on the front of the note.

Transparent Maple Leaf

ten canadian dollar note Transparent Maple Leaf

Look at the details in the metallic The Peace Tower building in the large window. Tilt the note to see sharp colour changes in the building.

Large Transparent Window

ten canadian dollar note Large Transparent Window-1 ten canadian dollar note Large Transparent Window-2 ten canadian dollar note Large Transparent Window-3

Look at the detailed metallic images and symbols in and around the large transparent window. Tilt the note to see sharp colour changes in the metallic elements.
